Sunday, January 15, 2017

What Happens When You Share Your Number in Public And How To Face the Consequences

Okay, we may be familiar with hacked accounts. It happens when your password is made known by someone we don't know misused it to steal your account for good. But here's another story of how a personal information is misused by an unknown person.

One day, a girl publicly announced her number on Facebook just so her friends could reach her directly. Unknowingly, a stalker lurks somewhere on the other line of the internet and eventually got her number just so he could contact her personally. It started with hi, hello and how-are-you messages and you know what happened next. It got annoying, irritating and hella creepy. Fast forward to the story, it ended happily because she rid herself with her stalker.

How did that happen? Let me share with you the following steps.

First Degree: Annoyance

You wouldn't bother yourself with changing your mobile number, would you? So let's take it lightly. Just be cool and professional about it.

Step 1: Be polite
Begin your text with a simple greeting following his or her name if it's given. Compliment wan i-dont-want-to-be-rude statement.

Step 2: Be frank
Say your purpose directly. Be brief with your text but don't miss out your most intended message.

Step 3: Don't sound harsh
Your not bad-ass here so calm down honey. Don't sound like your irritated because if you do, that person will more likely be determined to disturbed you.

Step 4: End with a courtesy
Just a simple thank you will do. You could also say greetings, depending on the time of the day you do this.

Boys these days don.t want to spend too much time and effort flirting with a no-fun girl. So this works best the minute he's up to flirting. On the other hand, if you think this person is a bitch trying to ruin your life, there's no risk in being polite. She'll realize your not the hysterical type and the annoying message will stop. That's right, kill 'em with kindness.

Second Degree: Persistence
Okay, being nice may not work all the time, though it's worth the try. So the next thing to do is to show your inner demon.

Step 5: Be rude
Call that person names and all. Just make sure the description fits that annoying freak.

Step 6: Swear all you want
Prove how much you're annoyed by sending that person all possible courses you may think of.

Step 7: End with a short but STRONG statement.
A word or two will sound meaningful.

However, this may make that person annoy you further, realizing how much he or she made you mad. If you do this, make sure to cut the line by following one of the next steps.

Third Degree: Last Straw
To save yourself the trouble of responding and wasting your time with whoever it is, simply heed this last advice.

Step 8.1 : Block
Whatever your phone is (smartphone or not), it has a blacklist option that prevents receiving any messages from the number you added in your blacklist. Just search for it in your settings (the settings depend on your phone type). That person may be able to send you messages though, but the good thing is you won't be able to get notified or read it.

Step 8.2: Do the Alternative
Just get yourself a new number lady, it pays!

The alternative method may be the best but it'll be bothersome because you'll have to import your contacts, send each of them a message telling it's your new number and the trouble of memorizing another eleven digits. But it's worth it. Trust me.

Of course, not everyone gets to experience this. Some may end up getting acquainted with new people and that's good. In case it happens the other way around, I Hope you learned something from here.

By the way, this post was inspired and based on my own personal experience. If you have trouble doing any of the steps and need extra advice, let me know by commenting below.

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